Friday, November 16, 2007

If I had a do-over

I've been thinking a lot about what I would do if I could "do-over" college. There are a couple of things that I would change.
First, I would study abroad. I did get a chance to intern in NYC and that was awesome, but I think every student should study in another country. Think about it, when is the next time you are going to have the opportunity to live in another country for a couple of months? Probably never. This is the time to do it. Once you get out of school you think, hey I should go to Europe (or at least I think about this...), but once I get into my first job, that isn't going to be so easy. I would want to spend at least 2 weeks going to different countries and exploring different historical sites, and let's be real - what new employer is going to say "Sure, take those two weeks off and enjoy!" Not likely. So the moral of this story is STUDY ABROAD!
Also, if I had a do-over I would get a BA instead of a BS. Not only would knowing a second language be HUGELY beneficial in this day and age, but this would have allowed me to major in English as opposed to just minoring in it. When I looked into this, I was already well on my way to getting a BS and BA would have required several extra semesters, something I just didn't think I could do. So don't be afraid of those foreign languages- Go for it!! This will make you very marketable later :)
I hope this doesn't sound like I haven't had a great college experience, because I have. I love majoring in PR and my sorority has been a great networking tool. Overall, I am very satisfied with my time at Kansas State thus far, there are just a few things I would change if I had the opportunity.

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