Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Business Minor

I think that every person in Mass Communications (and really every college student in general) should be required to take several business classes. This would make it pretty easy for most students to just add that business minor. I think classes like that would be SO beneficial, not only in the PR field, but in life altogether. That is one thing that I really wish I would have added early on in my college career. Classes like Finance would be great to have even if you have no plans of pursuing a future in that field. In the grand scheme of things, it would be nice just for your own personal knowledge to know that information.
The heads of colleges should meet and come up with new criteria for graduating, and I think everyone should be required to take multiple business classes. They may not be loads of fun, but I think that people will appreciate them later on.

Friday, November 16, 2007

If I had a do-over

I've been thinking a lot about what I would do if I could "do-over" college. There are a couple of things that I would change.
First, I would study abroad. I did get a chance to intern in NYC and that was awesome, but I think every student should study in another country. Think about it, when is the next time you are going to have the opportunity to live in another country for a couple of months? Probably never. This is the time to do it. Once you get out of school you think, hey I should go to Europe (or at least I think about this...), but once I get into my first job, that isn't going to be so easy. I would want to spend at least 2 weeks going to different countries and exploring different historical sites, and let's be real - what new employer is going to say "Sure, take those two weeks off and enjoy!" Not likely. So the moral of this story is STUDY ABROAD!
Also, if I had a do-over I would get a BA instead of a BS. Not only would knowing a second language be HUGELY beneficial in this day and age, but this would have allowed me to major in English as opposed to just minoring in it. When I looked into this, I was already well on my way to getting a BS and BA would have required several extra semesters, something I just didn't think I could do. So don't be afraid of those foreign languages- Go for it!! This will make you very marketable later :)
I hope this doesn't sound like I haven't had a great college experience, because I have. I love majoring in PR and my sorority has been a great networking tool. Overall, I am very satisfied with my time at Kansas State thus far, there are just a few things I would change if I had the opportunity.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

To blog or not to blog

After our discussion in class on Monday, I found myself just randomly thinking about the pros and cons of blogging. After weighing the two, I found myself in favor of blogs. That is to an extent though.
I think it would be really easy to be misleading on a blog and I definitely think you should be careful with what you are writing. After all, anyone can read it and there have been law suits in the past stemming from blogging. But blogs are a great way to read others' opinions.
One of the cons that kept coming up in class was that blogs are not based on actual fact, but rather on what some random person is writing. I think this is a valid point, but at the same time, I think that the ordinary, reasonable person reading the blog is already aware of this.