Friday, August 24, 2007

press blasts

For my first post I really wasn't sure what I wanted to focus on. I'm still not sure, though I have some blossoming ideas, but because I haven't had a chance to sit down and really think the "themed" ideas through, I thought about relying on old faithful and just talk about something that I learned at my internship this summer.
Everyone is always looking for a fresh new way to get information out, without falling into the boring category. People are constantly bombarded with information and it is our job to make ours stand out so that people want to read it. It was this way that we discovered a great new way to contact the press in the fashion world.
I did PR for a fashion showroom and had a blast learning about everything this summer. One of the hardest things to face as a PR practitioner in the fashion realm is getting in touch with editors and getting the clothes into magazines. These people are shown hundreds of items of clothing for one layout and even then some clothes that would have been perfect for it aren't even seen because the editors don't know about them. This is why we created our mock company magazine and sent it out via press blasts.
We came up with the idea when we were trying to acquire a new brand for the showroom. We created a faux magazine cover and then magazine layout that showcased the brand and our company. I created a mock interview of my employer asking questions that were meant to show the brand in question how good we would be for them. The company enjoyed this concept and appreciated our work to dazzle them.
After our initial press blast, my boss decided it would be a good idea to continue the faux magazine pages and send them to our press contacts. I created layouts and stories for all of our lines in the showroom. We now had a way to step above the masses with our innovative way of showing our product and providing information about it. I enjoyed making the blasts and the company benefited from them.
My only regret is that I was already on my way home from New York when the got in the shipment of scratch and sniff jeans... I could have done the best press blast for something like that!

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